Sunday School
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Our Sunday School is provided weekly for ages 3 – 6 years old, and 7 – 15 years old.
Join us in our lake side gazebos for fun, learning and friendship.
NOTE: We are only able to offer Sunday school this summer when we have two volunteers who inform us in advance that they are available to lead this important youth ministry.
If you feel called to assist in offering Sunday school, you are encouraged to contact Barry Peacock or one of the Directors listed in the church bulletin Alternatively, you can sign up on the Sign-up sheets, which are available on the Hospitality Table after a service. The church does have lesson materials available that can be used in offering the youth ministry
In the absence of volunteers, children are encouraged to remain with their parents during the service either in the Sanctuary, or the Smallman room or on the patio. We have colouring books, activity sheets and crayons available at the door