Put on your armour

August 25, 2024


Rev. Tim Bruneau’s sermon reminds us that the spiritual world is real, although we don’t talk about it very much today. There are indeed dark forces that seek to lead us away from faith and belief. To fight against these evil spiritual forces, we need to prepare and arm ourselves in much the same way as a warrior going into a physical battle with specific pieces of armour to protect ourselves. Our spiritual armour includes truth (girded loins), God’s righteousness (breastplate), readiness to stand firm and to fight (firm footware), faith (a shield), confidence in our salvation (a helmut), and the sword of the word of God. All these preparations for the spiritual battles that we will inevitably face need to be accompanied by prayer and not just for ourselves but for all of God’s people.


– Do you hear the call to battle? here will be battle and Paul wants to make sure that they were prepared and that we are prepared
– When Paul says, ‘put on the armor of God so you can stand against the devil’s schemes’, his first hearers would think of the persecutors of Xianity in their city
– They knew of physical suffering for their faith; it is what Paul had intimately experienced on several occasions
– As he wrote this letter, he was in prison due to persecution for his faith
– but Paul knew the suffering which Xians should focus on was not that inflicted by flesh & blood, but suffering caused by the spiritual forces of evil
– The suffering the devil could inflict upon the Xian’s soul – Xian community
– Today, we are cautious to speak about the presence of evil spirits, the Xians Paul wrote to were very aware of the spiritual world
– Many Ephesians dabbled in witchcraft before they came to faith in Xian and had seen people who’d been demon-possessed
– So despite the ‘flesh and blood’ persecution they knew, they would believe that it was motivated/directed by a spiritual force
– (v.12): Heavenly realms: ‘what are evil spiritual forces doing in heaven?’
– The unseen world, (not our picture of heaven)…the spiritual realm
– Our struggle is against things unseen
– If we are fully equipped by God, put on the armor He provides, so that we can stand in the evil day; or v.11, against the devil’s schemes
– Paul is saying that Xians, on their own, can’t protect themselves against the attacks of the evil one
– The armor does not come from within ourselves; rather it comes from the storehouses of God’s mighty power (v.10)
– The armor is God’s armor, he knows what we need for protection
– Ill) God is wise, unlike King Saul fitting David with his own armor
– God equips us properly for the battle at hand so that when the day of evil comes…
– [‘day of evil’ means, ‘occasions’ of evil, when evil may arise… ]
– We can stand our ground and after we have done everything…have victory over evil on that day, to what?
– To stand…we are still standing, after the battle is over
– We have not fled, we are not lying in defeat, we are standing
– Notice the beginning of the next verse? Stand firm (4X)
– Some of us find it easy to stand firm, others need support…but what does it take to stand firm in the spiritual realm?
– We need to put on the ‘armor of God?’
– #1: truth) –, RSV …having girded your loins with truth…
– First step in warriors preparation for battle – enabled them to move freely, it would hold their garments together
– truth, or integrity, holds you together, but truthfulness, honesty, integrity holds a community together so that we are not caught off guard by the devil’s attack
– Beastplate of #2: righteousness
– This protects our vital organs as a believer, as a church
– …not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith… (Phil 3:9)
– We need the breastplate of righteousness that God has offered us to withstand the attacks of the evil forces
– How are your feet fitted? What sort of shoes? (v.15)
– Readiness to fight; that we might stand…stability, Roman warriors had ‘hobnails/spikes’ in sandals to not lose their footing
– Are you well equipped? Does the peace preached in the gospel abide in your heart? Peace with God help will help us withstand the evil foe
– (v.16) our faith is absolutely essential if we are to line up for the battle
– The Greek word ‘thyreos’ refers to the large, full body shield
– Wood, with leather covering, often soaked with water before battle; fashioned so that the flaming arrows would sink in and be extinguished
– We don’t want the little model of faith…ask God for the full version
– With the shield, with faith, we can put out ‘flaming arrows of the evil one’
– Many forms of fiery darts devil shoots at Xians; common attack, is through doubt
– There will be times, or have been times, when you wonder if this whole spiritual realm is even real
– Doubt is normal, but needs to be seen as a direct attack of the devil
– Nothing would please the devil more if you doubted the existence or the power of God, for this can lead towards a Xian walk of apathy
– Lack of conviction in what we believe is a destroyer of the Xian
– Perhaps our faith in God is strong, but Satan can launch fiery darts of doubt lulling Xians into believing that he, or his demons do not exist
– Ill) Screwtape Letters; if we don’t believe in his existence we leave ourselves wide open for attack; evil that comes, we blame on others, or ourselves
– v.17: helmet of #5: salvation; be assured in your mind of your salvation, the souls deliverance is not a matter of uncertainty to the end (no doubt) and of course, get yourself a sword, the #6: word of God
– Jesus used this sword against the attacks of the devil in the desert
– Devil tempted Jesus 3X, and he fought the temptations off with the sword, that is the word of G, the scriptures
– Our own philosophies or theories are not enough to defend against the devil’s temptations, rather use the word of God
– (v.18a) Prayer accompanies the whole process of arming yourself and preparing for battle
– Paul ends with a real sense of urgency…PRAY
– (v.18b)
– Soldiers going into battle do not pray for themselves alone, for if the men around them fall, so will they; we pray for one another for we are one body
– pray for one another that through God’s provision, his armor, we might have victory over evil and be standing at the end… in triumph
– Not lying on the field in defeat, or fleeing from evil – we stand firm; ready for another fight, another evil day
– Devil prowls about like an angry lion, looking for someone to devour
– It is against our spiritual foe that Paul prepares the believers, us, to withstand
– although we may not like to speak of spiritual warfare, it is wise to recognize the reality of evil spiritual forces & prepare ourselves for battle
– Paul knew his physical life would soon end, he knew Xians would continue to be killed for the faith they professed, and although this was and is a great evil, There is a greater evil than the death of the body, and that is the death of the soul
– Put on your armor and be prepared to fight